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Daggers, Dirks and Enravable Knives

Daggers, Dirks and Enravable Knives

Strongblade's daggers, dirks are either historical replicas or contructed of foam for Live Action Role Play. Our Quicksilver line of low cost daggers are beautiful yet very affordable. Click here to see the full Quicksilver line.


Hand Crafted Coustille Sword-Dagger


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This Coustille, the Blackrush, is a beautifully crafted reproduction of these daggers. It features a high-carbon and full-tang blade, a nickel-plated steel guard, and a wheel pommel with a satisfyingly understated sunken hub.



Spartan Lakonia 20-inch Short Sword with Bronze Grip and Guard


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Based on the traditional Spartan design, this Lakonia features a high carbon blade oak leaf shape blade and a solid brass hilt. It is solid yet well balanced We offer it with both tempered and non-tempered blades.



Scottish Dirk with Intricate Etching on Blade


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Scottish Dagger(Dirk) Dagger(Blade can be engraved)


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The Sentinel: Sword-Hilted Dagger


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Medieval Dagger- Elven-Style Dagger


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Medieval Celtic Dagger


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Excalibur Dagger Dagger with Antique Gold Finish Guard


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Stainless Steel Lionheart Crusader Dagger


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Medieval Knight Dagger with Polished Stainless Steel Blade


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Medieval Fleur-de-Lys Dagger


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Decorative Templar Knight's Dagger with White Grip


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Decorative Masonic Short Sword with Blue or Red Velvet Grip


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Silverlocke Noble Dagger - Nickel-hilted with sheath


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Medieval Golden Cross Dagger


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Kukri Dagger with Black Sheath


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Celtic Knot Style Wall Hangers for Swords and Daggers


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Strongblade Lore
(A Bit of History According to Strongblade)

Before there were swords, before even spears, there came the dagger. In fact, the dagger was quite possibly the first real weapon ever created by man. Oh sure, it may not have been called a dagger back then, more of a knife really, made from stone then chipped and scraped into a sharp point. It is believed that Thag the Smart Guy, a popular caveman from prehistoric times, first invented the dagger to kill a rival caveman named Grung. He is quoted as saying "Me tired of Grung hitting me with rocks. Me gonna fix him." However, since this whole incident took place before recorded history, that's all hearsay.

The true dagger is a weapon that has both edges sharpened. The length and width of daggers varied quite a bit throughout history, especially early on, when the line between dagger and sword was notably blurred. Typical daggers tend to be no more than 14 inches or so in length, with European daggers usually having crossguards and pommels (and, knowing medieval Europeans, probably bloodstains as well). The Sentinel dagger is one of the more effective daggers, as it has a sword-like hilt to it, allowing for more power in thrusts and better leverage when slashing. it also feel much better in the hand and looks a bit more feearseom than a typical dagger.

Swords supposedly owe their existence to daggers. In the arms-race of ancient history, daggers allegedly became longer and longer until they became in all respects, swords. When swords took over the dominant role in combat, daggers were still kept around for several reasons; they were great for close quarters fighting, they could be hidden easily and, if weighted properly, could be thrown at opponents. Daggers were also still quite popular in the dining halls to cut and skewer food as well (seriously).

In the renaissance, daggers regained much of their popularity, but this time in a supporting role. Swords had become lighter and faster, allowing combatants to hold another weapon in their free hand. That weapon was usually a dagger and was used mostly to parry, bind or slow and opponents blade. Later, specialized daggers with large, basket-type hand guards were created to make the weapon even better suited to its new defensive role. The new dagger was often referred to as "Main-Gauche," which in French means "My Gosh!" and was said to have originated from the first guy to die when his blade was parried by one such dagger. Alright, I'm a pathological liar. I need help. "Main-Gauche" actually means "Left Hand", which is a LOT less exciting than my definition, isn't it?

Daggers have, throughout history also had more insidious roles as well. Their small size and ability to deliver quick lethal strokes made them excellent weapons for more unsavory types. Assassins relied on them because they were easy to hide. Julius Caesar, Caligula (and several other Roman Emperors), Poet Christopher Marlowe, St. Lucy, Scottish Regent Earl Douglas, and many many others in history have been assassinated by enemies wielding daggers. Another dark task given to daggers has been to dispatch of sacrificial offerings, whether the offering consisted of animals or humans. Many cultures throughout time have practiced ritual sacrifice and, usually, this was done using daggers (often ornate ones at that).

Daggers eventually gave way to knives as time went on. Knives are generally single-edged weapons and are used for a large variety of utilitarian functions, only one of which is killing things. Knives have been carried by hunters, soldiers, craftsmen, repairmen and angry, crazy people everywhere (Strongblade obviously does not condone nor tolerate any kind of illegal activity with its weapons, nor will we sell our items to anyone we think will use them irresponsibly or in a "crazy" fashion).


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