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They arrived... and My God! What amazing work you guys did! The swords alone are incredibly impressive! They certainly surpassed my expectations, the craftsmanship of every part of the sword is incredible! The stitching on the handle just puts the icing on the cake! The pommel and wingspan of the guard are also truly impressive. The swords are pretty much exactly what I wanted. The engravings literally could not have looked any better than you guys did them, just great work. It's pretty clear you folks at Strongblade take a lot of pride in your work.

Thanks so very much, Mike ?>

Swords- Custom Engraveds Swords, Daggers and More

Spartan Sword
Spartan Sword
Spartans lived by the sword and the spear. And little bity codpieces, if certain movies are to be believed. In reality, Spartans weren?t quite as spartan as all that. Greek hoplites were some of the most well armored soldiers in history. But yeah. Swords. This is the finest example of a Spartan sword on the market. Available in tempered or non-tempered. Cod-piece not included.


Above all Strongblade is a sword manufacturer and supplier.


Engraveable swords and tankards
Swords and tankards that can be custom engraved.

LARP and Foam

Swords, axes, spears, armor and more for Live Action Role Play.


Tankards Mugs
Tankards, goblets, mugs and steins.


Helmets, chainmail, bracers and greaves.


fantasy gifts
Unicorns, dragons, fairies and other fantasy gifts.


Flintlock Replicas
Flintlock, blunderbuss and pistol replicas.


Masks, elf ears, medieval clothing and other costumes.


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Ye Old Bargins

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Sale, Closeout and Scratch and Dent Items

Engraving Gallery

Engraving Gallery
Some of Our Impressive Engravings

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Scottish Dagger(Dirk) Dagger(Blade can be engraved)

Scottish Dagger(Dirk) Dagger(Blade can be engraved)


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Roman Gladius Vesparum: Wasp-waisted Roman Gladius

Roman Gladius Vesparum: Wasp-waisted Roman Gladius


Brass Bullet Replica (not fireable)

Brass Bullet Replica (not fireable)

The Sindar Kilij - Ottoman Scimitar

This is a reproduction of type of sword known as the Kilij, or Kilic (depending on your mood and ability to pronounce words ending in 'J'). The Kilij was a fearsome sword in the Ottoman empire, when men in armless chairs conquered most of the areas of the Mediterranean east of Italy. Okay, so we're kidding about the chairs, but we're serious about the conquering stuff. The Ottoman empire was one of the longest running empires in history, spanning from the late 13th century to the early 20th century.

These backswords were used in the later days of the empire and featured a fearsome flare towards the tip. This flare, known as a 'yelman' did indeed make men yell in fear. Aside from its shock value, the yelman gave the sword a better heft towards the front and much more power when used to slash. If you were hit by one of these swords, you were probably going to lose a piece of you.

Some Kilijeses (okay, I truly have no idea what the plural of Kilij is.) had even larger flares at the tip, which made the slash even more devastating, but also made the sword a little more cumbersome. You've seen Kilijesessesees before in movies like Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Last Ark, Aladin and Sinbad. The sword falls into the Western classification of Scimitar and the Tulwar.

Curved Swords
The exact origin of curved swords is something that has been debated for years. It is generally accepted that the majority of curved swords came from the East.

Curved swords most likely manifested somewhere around Egypt, with the appearance of the khopesh (a sword somewhere between sickle and sword).

Since then, a number of curved swords began appearing in the East and westerners took to calling such curved swords Scimitars. Technically, there isn't one sword that is called a scimitar; the term refers to the entire group of curved swords that came from East (excluding the Japanese curved swords). The term may be a derivative of Shamshir, which was a thin curved sword from Persia, although the shamshir wasn't really popularized until the 1500s. Other scimitars include the Turkish kilij (think of the massive cleaver swords from Aladin and you have a fairly accurate picture), and the Indian Tulwar (somewhere between a shamshir and a kilij). Some smaller curved swords from the east include the Kopis (a knifelike curved blade that probably was the predecessor of the Khopesh), the Nepalese kukri and the hook-handled falcata of ancient Spain.

Curved swords weren't confined to the east, of course. As the scimitars developed in the east, the west was catching on to the trend. Sabers and cutlasses were slowly conceptualized and developed in Europe. The curved blades were ideal for charging horsemen who tended to lose their straight blades in the bodies of their haplessly impaled foes. The curved sabers could slash opponents and slide off as the horsemen rode by. Another advantage was that curved blades were more compact than straight ones, so horsemen were also able to slash from side to side without worrying about trimming the ears off their horses.

Sailors also liked this compact size, since ship-board combat was often in very close quarters, with a vexing amount of wooden obstacles for swords to get embedded in. This explains the stereotypical image of the pirate holding a cutlass, reinforced recently by Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Kierra Knightley in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean.

A back sword is a sword that has only one edge. The non-sharp edge of the sword is known as the "back" of the blade. These swords often are curved. Examples of back-swords include most cutlasses, sabers and what westerners refer to as "Scimitars."

See Strongblade's The Sindar Kilij - Ottoman Scimitar

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